North West’s Largest Independent Estate Agent

As we enter 2021 and venture into a third lockdown, the housing market remains open and we are continuing to adhere to government guidelines to ensure the safety of both our customers and staff.

In essence, it’s business as usual at The Venmore Group, albeit with the restrictions in place to protect clients and employees both in the office and also whilst visiting people in their homes.
We would like to take this opportunity to reassure clients who agreed sales and planned move dates before lockdown, that we're still here and will be talking to them to help get their moves planned and completed.
We are operating on an appointment-only basis in our offices and only when absolutely necessary. Please contact your local branch and chat to our team will be happy to assist you with your query.
Alongside government guidelines, we continue to work with the enhanced protocols within our company to ensure that we are operating in the safest way possible both in-branch and when conducting viewings and valuations in client's homes. During branch visits and viewings, you, our team members and any prospective purchasers are required to wear a face-covering and follow social distancing guidelines.

Home Visits

If you are thinking of booking a valuation, viewing or visiting a branch please take a moment to read the guidelines below:
  • If you or anyone from your household, are showing symptoms of the Coronavirus (high temperature over 37.8 degrees or a new, continuous cough) – please do not arrange any viewing / valuation until after your period of self-isolation.  If symptoms occur after an appointment has been made, please contact the team so we can reschedule the appointment for you.
  • During any viewings / valuations please ensure you maintain the recommended 2 metres distance from anyone visiting your property.  If this can’t be done safely or there are any enclosed spaces, we would ask you to ensure that you are wearing an appropriate face mask.  We would also ask that no more than you plus 1 other person from within your household is present.
  • All parties visiting a property should wash their hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser if soap not available) immediately after entering the property, with internal doors opened and surfaces having been wiped down before people enter. Separate towels or paper towels should be used if possible and washed or disposed of safely after use.
  • We will be asking any prospective purchaser attending a viewing to ensure that they bring their own hand sanitiser (should washing hands not be possible) and also that they bring with them an appropriate face mask in case it should be necessary.
  • Please note that if we are carrying out a valuation / accompanied viewing, we will ensure that we follow these guidelines with our staff wearing face masks and having hand sanitiser so that they can act in a socially responsible way whilst visiting the property.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please contact your local branch and the team there will be on hand to answer any queries you may have.